Electronic – Save data on sim card using micro-controller

data storageinterfacemicrocontrollersim

SIM cards come in various data capacities, from 8 KB to at least 256 KB. All allow a maximum of 250 contacts to be stored on the SIM,

Is it possible to save data (other then contacts) in sim card, interfacing it with micro-controller then transfer data from micro-controller to sim card?

Best Answer

Absolutely. Except I am not sure if you are referring to smart cards or mobile specific SIM cards.

Smart Cards are easy. They are like any other memory device.

If you need to access a SIM card from a mobile phone it can get a bit more difficult as it becomes carrier and phone vendor specific.

For mobile SIM cards, I found it easiest to use a GMS modem module. You can use the serial port of the µController to communicate with the GSM module.