Electronic – Self-resonance frequency of chip inductors

frequencyinductorresonancesmith chart

I am studying chip inductors and here's one of the frequency response:

There are more than one resonance frequencies exist in a single inductor. When we say inductor resonance frequency, it usually means the first one, right?

Is there a specific name for the 2nd resonance frequency(m4 on Smitch chart?)?

enter image description here

Best Answer

I answer to the questions in the OP in order

  1. Yes, the inductor frequency resonance is the first, lower value one. Its importance is due to the fact that it represent a sort of figure of merit of the component: it is the largest frequency below which the impedance of the device is inductive, i.e. increases with increasing frequency.
  2. Perhaps no, since I am not aware of any use of this higher resonance frequency. However, for quartz crystal resonators two nearly equal frequencies are usually specified: the series resonance frequency \$f_s=\omega_s/2\pi\$ and the parallel resonance frequency \$f_p=\omega_p/2\pi\$: perhaps you could look into modern VHF/UHF electronics applications if this characteristics is of some use (for example in the design of filters)
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