Electronic – SR Latch Understanding


this is my first post here as I am just getting into this electronic engineering stuff. My question concerns the SR flip-flop or latch, the NOR gate version. I have been reading a copy of http://www.amazon.co.uk/Digital-Techniques-Tutorial-Electronic-Engineering/dp/0412549700/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1376179565&sr=8-1&keywords=t.j.+stonham.

The circuit I am looking at is below:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

R and S are inputs, Q is the output of the second NOR gate, Q' is the previous value of Q, and X is the output of the first NOR gate.

I understand that Q is a function of R and S and the previous output Q' but there is something I cannot get my head around.

The truth table for the function is

R    S    Q'  |  Q
0    0    0   |  0
0    0    1   |  1
0    1    0   |  1
0    1    1   |  1
1    0    0   |  0
1    0    1   |  0
1    1    0   |  0 /*don't care*/
1    1    1   |  0 /*don't care*/

What I don't understand is a comment in the book. It says that if the two 'don't care' inputs are disregarded then the output of the right-most NOR gate is the complement of the left-most NOR gate.

Now, I have of course seen the cross coupled NOR gates diagram of the SR latch which has a NOT Q output, so I know I am doing something wrong somewhere, but I cannot see where.

For each of the cases in the truth table, this holds true, Q is the complement of X. But when R=1, S=0 and Previous Q=1 this is not the case.

When R=1, Q is always 0. But Previous Q=1, so X is also 0. X and Q are the same in the case.

Please somebady show me the error in my thinking. Thank you.


Having thought about this, could the answer be that the 'problem' state I am considering is an unstable state; i.e. when NOR2 outputs 0, that 0 will also change NOR1 to 1, which would solve the problem.

Although that thinking led me to another problem, and that is that surely then, for a split (milli)second the outputs of NOR1 and NOR2 are the same before the change. The only problem I can see with this thinking is that I am tracking the changes in the circuit fairly slowly, when in fact the change should be instantaneous, i.e. that as soon as NOR2 changes to 0, NOR1 changes to 1 instantaneously.


I am going to try to clarify tho confusion with my question here, and express the problem more concisely.

To clarify the variables:
S – Set as usual
R – Reset as usual
Q – Output as usual
Previous Q – The initial value of Q
X – The output of NOR1

The problem I was having can be looked at as a transfer between two states.

The first state:


simulate this circuit

Here R and S are 0, Previous Q is 1, so X is 0, which gives Output Q as 1, which is Previous Q, the circuit maintains itself as expected (R and S were both zero).

But in the next circuit I switch R to 1:


simulate this circuit

So now Output Q and X are the same, they are not the complement of each other.

This is where I think I am going wrong:

This last state is an unstable state, and so will not remain as such. Previous Q will instantaneously turn to0 and hence NOR1 will output 1, giving X as 1, the complement of Output Q.

I think the problem in my thinking was that I was looking at it as if it would take some time interval for previous Q to reach NOR1 and change X to 1, when in fact it would occur at the exact same time as Output Q changing to 0.

Hopefully that has cleared things up.

Best Answer

First a slight correction to your diagram. The NOT Q output is the output of the NOR1 gate, not the input you have shown.

enter image description here

When both inputs are LOW (0) the latch holds it state.

With S, R = 0, 0

If Q = 1, then NOR1 input is 0,1 and its output (NOT Q) is 0 keeping Q = 1 If Q = 0, then NOR1 input is 0,0 and its output (NOT Q) is 1 keeping Q = 0


If S = 1 (R = 0) then the output of NOR1 (NOT Q) will be 0 and the output of NOR2 (Q) will be 1 - the latch is SET, Q is HIGH

If R = 1 (S = 0) then the output of NOR2 (Q) will be 0 and the output of NOR1 (NOT Q) will be 1 - the latch is RESET, Q is LOW

The problem comes when both S and R inputs are taken HIGH at the same time and forms a race condition. This logical condition (S = 1, R = 1) is to be avoided as the output cannot be determined.