Electronic – the controlled variable in this particular case

closed loopcontrolfeedbacksystem

I have a question, maybe you can help me because I am not sure of the correct definition.
As an example I have a plant with a measured output y in a closed loop system. But as the feedback variable I use y' = y + 100 to substract this from the setpoint.
Does the calculation of y' belong to the plant and is y' the controlled variable then?
Or is y the actual controlled variable and how is y' then called?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best Answer

Assuming a state-space representation of your plant as follows: $$ \begin{cases} \dot{x}=Ax+Bu\\ y=Cx+Du\\ z\approx y+100 \end{cases} $$ These are usual signal names you would find:

  • \$x\$: plant states
  • \$u\$: plant input / control signal
  • \$y\$: plant output / measurable output
  • \$z\$: controlled output / non-measurable output

In order to compose the feedback control loop, you are taking the plant output through an estimator system: $$ \hat{z}=y+100 $$

  • \$\hat{z}\$: estimation of controlled output

I avoided using your \$y'\$ notation, since I think it's misleading for the explanation, but it should be equivalent as the \$z\$ or \$\hat{z}\$ signals in this notation.