Electronic – the difference between a 1st and 2nd Order Digital Filter

controldigital filterfiltertransfer function

I was just curious as to the differences between the two order filters?

How I created these discrete filters for references

  • Designed in Continuous first then converted into Discrete

  • Using Tustin's method as I just want to convert the plant from continuous to discrete

  • Fc = 20kHZ

  • Used Prep warping nyquist frequency = 20kHZ (Sampling at Ts = 0.000025/40kHz)

Filter 1: 2nd Order Butterworth filter Analog

enter image description here

Filter 1A: 2nd Order Butterworth Filter Discrete

enter image description here

Filter 2: 1st Order RC Filter Discrete

enter image description here

As you can see in Filter 1A I was shocked to see that "Brick-wall" response and was curious to see what if I used a lower order filter.

In Filter 2 you can see a similar result. The only difference I can tell is that magnitude (dB). The 1st Order filter has a flatter pass band then the 2nd Order Butterworth Filter.

Is there any advantage in using a higher order filter when it comes to discrete? Why in discrete the "Brick-Wall" response is much more apparent now when its only a 2nd Order.

Let me know if I even approached this correctly has I haven't dont discrete in a long time, so I wouldn't be surprise if something went wrong.

Bonus question, why when I try to do a step response for both filters I get this:

enter image description here

Another question that came to mind: Could we use the Sampling time to essentially change the Cut off frequency then?

EDIT: Looks like my Sampling times are wrong no idea what I am doing anymore. How do you know which Sampling Time is suitable for you? Or is that the trade off sacrifice how close it looks to the continuous for sampling times


%% -- Low Pass Filter (LPF) -- %%
R1 = 15000;
R2 = 9100;
C1 = 0.001*10^-6;
C2 = 470*10^-12;

LPF_A = ((1)/(C2*R1*s + C2*R2*s + C1*C2*R1*R2*s^2 + 1));
opt = c2dOptions('Method','tustin','PrewarpFrequency',125663.706);
LPF_D = c2d(LPF_A,0.000025,opt);

Best Answer

I don't have Matlab, but looking at their online help for c2d and c2dOptions:


Maximum order of the Thiran filter used to approximate fractional delays in the 'tustin' and 'matched' methods. Takes integer values. A value of 0 means that c2d rounds fractional delays to the nearest integer multiple of the sample time.

So, unless you have a need for a delay, you should set that to zero. The code should look like this:

opt = c2dOptions('Method', 'tustin', 'PrewarpFrequency', 0);
f0 = 80000;
opt = c2dOptions('Method', 'tustin', 'PrewarpFrequency', f0);
LPF_D = c2d(LPF_A, 1/f0, opt);

Let me know if this does it for you (I really don't have Matlab).

Re-read the online description, it looks like 'tustin' allows the 'PrewarpFrequency', so then you should match that with the c2d(), see updated code.