Electronic – the file extension of the file that is loaded in a Xilinx FPGA


I wonder what is the file extension that described the functionality of my design and is the file that is loaded in a Virtex 4 FPGA to get the behavior of my VHDL design.
Thank you.

Best Answer

This file is commonly called a "bitstream". Xilinx devices' bitstreams have the extension '.bit' and are generated by a program called 'bitgen'. '.bit' files are binaries and those are generated by default; if you want the ASCII representation of the bitstream, run

bitgen -b <your design>.ncd

and then a '.rbt' file will be generated in addition to the '.bit' file.

For further information about generating Xilinx bistreams, see Chapter 15 in this user guide for ISE version 12.4:


For more information about Virtex 4 bistreams specifically, see the configuration guide for that device:
