Electronic – the name of this item contact pin

contactlightpinspower electronics

enter image description hereI am making a box with lights inside of it. These lights are UVC lights, which will sanitize any items put inside. I have attached a photo; I would like to know the name of this item. I know it is some contact pin, but I am not sure which. Must I have this be custom made? As you can see, there is something gold on the right side of each photo; that is what I am looking for. What is the name of that item? if you would like more the product name is Tidie, they are on Indigogo

As you can see, there is something gold on the right side of each photo; that is what I am looking for. What is the name of that item?There is another photo, if you would like more the product name is Tidie, they are on Indigogo

Best Answer

You can get spring loaded pins and pin arrays, and target pins and arrays that might do that job for you.

enter image description here

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