Electronic – unconnected line (xx,yy) to (XX,YY) – Altium designer


Newbie in Altium designer here. I have read the online documentation from Altium, however, I still have a warning when trying to compile my schematic in Altium:

my schematic: enter image description here

The warning says: unconnected line (xx, yy) to (XX, YY) and refers to the right and lower part of the bus. Strangely it doesn't complain about the left part of the bus. I drew the bus at once, in other words, it is not composed of two or more parts.

enter image description here

I have tried multiple things like inter alia redrawing everything, but the warning keeps being showed.
How can I solve this issue?


This is my current schematic that still needs modifications: http://www.imgur.com/a/Zy1nK

This is the schematic mine is based on http://www.ti.com/general/docs/lit/getliterature.tsp?baseLiteratureNumber=spmu365&fileType=pdf (starts on page 36)

Best Answer

I solved this issue labeling the bus, according with the lines it contains. E.g: your bus contains PF1, PF2, PF3, the label must be PF[1..3]