Electronic – Using piezo buzzer to play complex waveforms


Would it be possible to play complex waveforms(sine waves, triangular waves, multiple voices and suchlike) using a normal piezo buzzer? The buzzer in question doesn't have internal oscillator. [Datasheet]

I have only ever seen piezo buzzers used to emit square waves(via PWM) and speakers with magnets to play more complex waves/music. Is there some inherent flaw in piezo buzzers that makes it unsuitable for playing complex waves/multiple voicings?

I intend to use an R-2R ladder DAC on a SI-PO shift resistor driven by an ATtiny13 to create waveforms to drive the buzzer.

Best Answer

Would it be possible to play complex waveforms(sine waves, triangular waves, multiple voices and suchlike) using a normal piezo buzzer?

No. While you technically can use piezo crystals to make very fine, arbitrary movements (actuators for microscopes etc do that), your buzzer will effectively only work when excited by something that is periodic and hits its own resonance.