Electronic – Verification of 555 timer design



I have designed a circuit that can turn on and off any load connected with constant delay based on the potentiometer reading. It is based on GreatScott's design. Can anyone verify this design and point out the errors and improvements.
I'm not sure whether this design will work. So help me out!

Layout edit 2:
enter image description here

Best Answer

I agree with James and all the comments in the post + I would like to add something to the PCB design.

  • It is good practice not to use 90°/acute angles on the traces. It can make problems when etching the PCB and it does not look good :)
  • It is a 2 layer board right? For your GND make a ground plane instead. It improves the signal integrity.
  • Make your power traces thicker then signal traces. Looking at your design, I would make all traces thicker.
  • Consider mounting holes. If your design work, you may need a way how to use the PCB in your project without duct tape.