Electronic – Verilog – Can you `define a bit slice


Can you define a bit slice in Verilog?

For example, is this possible:

`define opcode 5:3  // is this possible?

reg [ 7:0 ] a, b;


if ( a[ `opcode ] == someValue )  // a[5:3]


if ( b[ `opcode ] == someValue )  // b[5:3]


Best Answer

You can `define almost any text you want. You would have to use a[`opcode] with the backtick.

SystemVerilog gives you some other options.

The let construct declares a name for an expression.

let opcode = a[5:3];
if (opcode==someValue)

You can use a packed struct.

struct packed {
   logic [1:0] field1;
   logic [2:0] opcode;
   logic [2:0] field2;
} a;

Now you can refer to a.opcode as the same as a[5:3].