Electronic – Voltage between collector and emitter (in transistor circuit) [2N3904]


Let's say we have the following circuit with silicon transistor 2N3904 (the transistor has \$\beta = 125\$):


I am trying to calculate the DC voltage between the collector and the emitter.
One of the solutions I found is the following:

$$Ι_b = \frac{V_{bb} – V_{be}}{R_b} = \frac{10\text{V} – 0.7\text{V}}{1.5\text{M}\Omega} = 6.2\mu \text{Α}$$
$$I_c = \beta \times I_b = 125 \times 6.2\mu \text{Α} = 0.775\text{mA}$$
$$V_{ce} = V_{cc} – I_c \times R_c = 20\text{V} – 0.775\text{mA} \times 5\text{k}\Omega = 16.1\text{V}$$

This solution is not mine and I am not sure that it's correct. I have two questions:

  1. \$Ι_b = \dfrac{V_{bb} – V_{be}}{R_b}\$. Is this true? Shouldn't it be \$Ι_b = \dfrac{V_{bb} – V_b}{R_b}\$?

  2. \$V_{ce} = V_{cc} – I_c \times R_c\$. Is this true? Shouldn't it be \$V_c = V_{cc} – I_c \times R_c\$?

Best Answer

The answer given is correct.

\$V_{BE}\$ and \$V_{CE}\$ are equal to \$V_{B}\$ and \$V_{C}\$ respectively when the emitter is grounded, however no ground is shown in your circuit, so it's not 100% clear what \$V_{B}\$ and \$V_{C}\$ would mean.