Electronic – Voltage Requirement for Integrated Circuits

integrated-circuitpower electronicsvoltage

There are industry standard voltage levels for integrated circuits i.e. 12, 5, 3.3, 1.0, 1.05 , 1.08 and 0.6 volts and etc. My question is around why make it so complex to have this many voltage levels, why not just have one voltage level i.e 12 volts to be universally used across all IC's?
Potential answers that am expecting is around power drawn that involves current holding capacity, copper losses and etc but it would be nice to have a good explanation from industry technologist who have spent many years in electronics.

Best Regards

Best Answer

The technology trend on ICs are to have them become smaller, faster, cost effective and low power consuming. Shrinking of transistor size is the major drive in this industry but shrinking the size leads to smaller voltage tolerance of breakdown that's is one of the reason why the supply voltage reduces the other being low power consumption of course.

Having said that certain application needs certain ICs with certain requirements for example power ICs are needed to handle high voltage, no escaping that. Or Analog circuits such as amplifier if one requires a high gain then one has to go for an amp with probably higher gain (with higher supply voltage) and so on...