Electronic – wavelength and L/C ratio


When choosing the L/C ratio in this reference text states that you need to
choose 1.5pf for one meter wavelength. Why is that?
How that leads to have higher gain? How that leads to have a
higher dynamic resistance?

Basic radio theory, circuits and calculations

What is the connection between these two?

–thanks in advance–

Best Answer

As the link says, it's a design optimisation. They want to maximise the Q-factor (energy retention versus power loss) of the circuit, but as your wavelength increases (and antenna), the amount of stray capacitance increases. They use 1.5pC*L as an engineering rule of thumb to get you the amount impedance you need.

Read more on Q-factor here to understand it in the frequency spectrum: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_factor

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