Electronic – What kind of oscillator should I use for a binary clock


I've seen that a lot of clocks use a 32.768KHz crystal. I'm curious why that is exactly. I am working on a binary clock project with some 4520 ICs. I have some 555 timers too, but I want to use a crystal if I can.

I just don't know what would be the most accurate. I also don't know anything about the configuration. For instance, does the 32.768KHz need to be used with resistors or capacitors to operate?

Best Answer

a lot of clocks use a 32.768KHz crystal. I'm curious why that is exactly.

This particular crystal is optimized for use in clocks. The low frequency operation consumes less power than oscillators that run in the Megahertz. The small size, unusual for a low-frequency crystal, allows it to be used in watches. And the chosen frequency can be repeatedly divided by 2 until an exact 1-second time period is obtained.

The extra load capacitance isn't required to make it oscillate. It's required to bring the crystal exactly on frequency.