Electronic – What kind of SIM are these


I have a device (XT107) that requires a SIM card. It takes a SIM card that have cobber plate (not sure what to call that) that supports all 8 curcuits on the device.

enter image description here

When speaking with people, some say it's a 2G SIM card, but I doubt that since some of my friends have a HTC Desire which uses this kind of card.

Mini sim card – 4 pins – (8 circuit):

enter image description here

Mini sim card – 3 pins – (6 circuit):

enter image description here

What are the differences between these two cards above? I'm really lost here. I need that one with 4 pins(8 circuit), but when speaking with the mobile phone companies' tech support, they are totally lost.


I have added the real names for the simcard to the above, but still maintain the original question with names etc.

Best Answer

All 6 pin or 8 pin have the SIMs have same functions.

At first we need to understand SIM Pinouts;

6 pin includes VCC, GND, I/O, VPP, RST, CLK

8 pin includes VCC, GND, I/O, VPP, RST, CLK, SIM_PRESENCE, GND

VCC is supply pin, GND is common ground pin, CLK is Clock pin, RST is Reset Pin and I/O pin is for Data transmission.

The only difference between 6 pin and 8 pin is of SIM_Presence pin, The is an optional pin of SIM, and their are two GND pins on 8-pin sim.

For you device you may use 6 or 8 pin SIM, as SIM_PRESENCE is not necessary required.

The only useable PINs for devices are VCC, GND, I/O, RST, CLK. Hope this will may help you