Electronic – What noise frequencies is an oversampling ADC susceptible to


When calculating the input-referred noise and filtering to a 24-bit sigma-delta ADC (MCP3561), I hit a roadblock. Knowing the noise spectrum density (nV/sqrt(Hz)) of a signal noise source, like thermal noise, the noise in uVrms (microvolt root mean square) is calculated using the bandwidth of the signal. The latter number should be the noise floor that determines the effective resolution. Therefore I need to know what bandwidth (frequency span) applies in my scenario:

The ADC will do internal oversampling to form a single one-shot reading. The signal is from a thermistor where the bias power will be pulsed at 10 Hz for the duration of ADC, hence the signal itself is assumed constant for the measurement period and I suppose the signal frequency is 10 Hz. But 0-10 Hz can't reasonably be the frequency span to calculate noise from, as the ADC is inactive most of the time.

Is the frequency span from 0 to the oversampled sampling time (in the kHz range, but just one sample)?

Or is the frequency span from 0 to the internal ADC sampling rate (in the MHz range)? But I read that higher ADC speeds reduce the noise problem, which isn't consistent with this idea. And while the ADC runs at 4.9 MHz, the sampling time for each oversampling level is specified as 3x the expected (for example OSR=128 takes 78 us = 12.8 kHz = 4.9 MHz / (3 * 128)) so even the internal frequency is unclear to me.

It's also easy to imagine even higher noise frequencies affecting the measurement, but maybe any high-frequency noise is filtered in the ADC and included in the ADC datasheet ENOB? Maybe some Nyquist limit is involved.

The goal is to understand the practical measurement resolution under different Vref values and oversampling levels, and to optimize the filters. It seems to me that the slow signal may be filtered until thermal noise is the limit, but to know this I need the thermal noise of the signal as uVrms.

Best Answer

In any non-josephson-junction ADC, you will have analog comparators; their bandwidth likely will set the noise floor.

How to estimate the noise of the Comparator? simply use the input FET gate capacitance.

Using sqrt(K * T /C), the math behind switched-cap-sampling-noise, you'll find a 10pF capacitor produces 20 microVolts RMS noise. And a (more likely to get the C_gate_oxide value) 1pF will produce 20uVrms * sqrt(10pf/1pf) or 20uV * 3.16 = 63 microVolts RMS.

The over-sampling behavior has the effect of reducing the 63uV RMS to a value suitable, such as 2uV, for a 24-bit ADC.

One thing you may find interesting is the digitization of a 5uVPP sinusoid, or any well-described just-a-few-quanta input. Will the ADC produce the properly-binned code density? And how can we tell, in the face of 63uV dithering?