Electronic – What’s wrong with this Phase Shift Oscillator


I am trying to design a phase shift oscillator, using a CE Amplifier.
I have a Vc of approximately 6V, gain of approximately 40(>29, as required).
I aim for an oscillation frequency of 1.5 kHz.

But whenever I feedback the CR network, no oscillations take place. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the circuit?


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Best Answer

Works for me, if you make a few tweaks to the circuit:

phase shift oscillator


Adding R7 and C4 let you get more gain out of the circuit, while keeping the DC operating point approximately the same. Your circuit wasn't oscilating because the collector of Q1 is "loaded down" by the parallel impedance of the phase shift network, therefore the actual gain of the stage was significantly less than the standard \$\frac{R_c}{R_e}\$ formula would indicate. Most analyses of the phase shift oscillator assume that the output of the gain stage is low impedance and isn't affected by the phase shift network, and also that the phase shift stages themselves don't load each other.

Sometimes when simulating an oscillator circuit it's also necessary to start the supply voltage at 0 volts, to "kick start" the oscillation, as I've done here.