Okay this could be a very silly question but I am asking it anyway.
Why do we consider in most cases of signal processing that the system is Time-invariant?
Is it because most signals are linear and time-invariant or is there a more compelling reason to consider a system as LTI while looking at problems in this field?
Best Answer
What makes the analysis of LTI systems attractive are the following:
Time (or shift) invariance:
\$h(t - \tau)\$ is the output due to the input \$\delta(t - \tau)\$.
We then call \$h(t)\$ the impulse response of the system.
If and only if the above are true of a system do we have:
\$y(t) = h(t) * x(t) = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}h(t-\tau)x(\tau)d\tau\$
\$Y(s) = H(s) X(s) \$
Now, no real LTI system is truly LTI but are effectively so and thus we may use the above "tricks" to analyze them.