The datasheet of this opamp says the input impedance is typically 100Meg. So I expect the voltage gain to be halved with a source resistance of 100Meg. But the following simulation doesn't reveal that and gain almost doesn't change:
Above the voltage gain is two. Applied input is 1V. So with a 100Meg source resistance I was expecting 1V output(half of the gain). But the plots show the gain is not affected from the source impedance and is still two.
Why 100Meg source impedance is not halving the output gain if the opamp input impedance is 100Meg?
Best Answer
There are other factors to consider such as input bias current (quoted at anything up to 4.5 nA). With 4.5 nA flowing from the input into 100 Mohm, that produces an offset error of anything up to 0.45 volts. That blows the effect of the input resistance out of the water.
But, realistically, with a simulation, it all depends on what is set up in the model parameters. Not all models accurately reflect all op-amp artifacts.
That figure is the differential input impedance and not the input impedance of one input to ground so, it will have much less of an effect. If you look on page 6 of the data sheet you will see that the common mode input impedance is graphed at about 280 Gohm. But like I said, input bias currents will always blow things apart at extremes.