Electronic – Will this circuit work containing 2 transistors


My gran keeps turning her internal light on in the car and then forgets to turn it off again. She has flattened the battery 5 times in the last few months.

I've been looking at how integrated circuits work and am hoping to go to university next year and study computer science. I was thinking this could be my first project!

The light has 3 switch positions:

  • always on
  • on when door open
  • off

What I want to do is fit a buzzer in the light that will buzz if the light is on and a door is open. I've come up with a circuit that I think should work. It's the first time I've attempted anything like this so I was wondering if you can see any problems with it or if it will actually work!

Circuit Diagram

If you think it will work what type of transistors do I need to buy? Are there different types?

The 'from switch' wire will be live or not depending on what position the switch is in.

Also if there's a better way feel free to tell me!

Best Answer

Yes, you are on the correct path, you just need to add base and collector current limiting resistors. What you are trying to achieve is called AND gate. Picture is taken from http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/electronic/trangate.html#c1

enter image description here