Electronic – Wireless Communication between cellphones


Hypothetically, is it possible to transfer data from 2 devices using a 4g network that's not from their service provider. OR in other words: Could one device download the data from the provider and send it to another a few km away (at the same speed which is why I'm saying the 4G network/band)? (The assumption is both devices can receive and transmit on this network. Would that be realistic if they both could download data from a provider?)

Another question I had was that this would need another band that acts as a channel, or would this "other band" basically need the same data requirements to pass through it, like the downloaded data from the device from the first provider. Essentially is there any difference from channeling the data versus being the provider for the original device that downloaded it.

Curious to hear other thoughts on how I could send data downloaded from one device to another a few miles away (for e.g. on a smart phone without using any other kind of hardware preferably).

Best Answer

It will be possible. But it is not yet. D2D is in 3GPP Release 12, under Proximity Services (ProSe).