Electronic – wrong about this application of Kirchhoffs Current Law

circuit analysiscurrentkirchhoffs-laws

At a recent exam I had this very simple problem concerning Kirchhoffs Laws:
problem statement

I am concerned with problem c

Now my understanding of this is:

I can combine both nodes, and since all currents in the node need to cancel out, \$i_c\$ should be 2A. Now my professor marked this problem as wrong and told me it should be 8A instead.

Am I doing something fundamentally wrong here?

The professor reviewed the answer sheet because some other answers were wrong and did not mention the 8A again, and accepted the solution 🤷‍♂️

Best Answer

Professor is wrong. The correct answer is 2A. I solved it algebraically just as every one else, 4=3+Ic+-1, Ic = 2. A DC simulation in Spice yields 2A as as well.

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