Electronic – XOR gate with NAND


I am attempting to build an XOR gate with NAND ICs. This schematic

is how I am wiring up the IC (I know the schematic is a little confusing but I tried to construct it best I can).

I am attempting to recreate this logic circuit: http://i42.tinypic.com/n4weo6.jpg

Data sheet for CD4011B IC: http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cd4011b.pdf

It is not operating as expected, the LED is always on when I expect it to be off by default, off when both switches are pressed and only on when one or the other switch is pressed.

Have I wired this circuit incorrectly? Can anybody tell me where I have gone wrong?

enter image description here

Best Answer

The circuit looks fine

The XOR table should be

                          A     B          Q
                          0     0          0         
                          0     1          1 
                          1     0          1 
                          1     1          0
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