Electronic – Zener over voltage protection from DC hand crank generator


Zener over voltage protection

I have a board powered by a hand crank generator. Under normal conditions the voltage peaks at 18-20 volts. However spinning the handle violently will peak higher at 30+ volts. The generator runs through a schottky bridge rectifier and into a 5 volt regulator rated at a max of 26 volts. The circuit as a whole pulls less than an amp.

In trying to keep the simple circuit simple I was thinking about a 20 volt zener (D5) and a tiny 10 ohm series resistor(R1). When it comes to protecting a voltage regulator is this the most ideal method or should I be looking at something different?

Best Answer

Answer to the question in the comment below -

If you know the current and voltage you will expect, and want to dump the energy into a resistor instead of the zener, build you can build an emitter follower or source-follower-type circuit running off a small zener with a load resistor. I don't think I can draw a schematic in the comments so I will put in another answer.

Follower Circuit:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab