Help with DC circuit theory problem

analysiscircuit analysisdctheory

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I need help with this DC circuit problem:
When the switch is open, voltage between points A and B is 2V. When the switch is closed, through variable resistor \$R_{p}\$ flows maximum current, and \$R_{p}\$ has the maximum power. Calculate value of resistor \$R_{2}\$.

Given parameters:

  • \$R_{1} = 100\Omega\$
  • \$R_{3} = 200\Omega\$
  • \$R_{4} = 400\Omega\$
  • \$U_{ab} = 2V\$ (open switch)
  • \$I_{pmax} = 10mA\$ (closed switch)

What method to use?

Best Answer

Hint #1: You need to work with the Thevenin equivalent looking into nodes A and B from \$R_P\$.

Hint #2: What is the condition for maximum power transfer? (\$R_L =\ ?\$)

Hint #3: You know the total current through \$R_{Th}\$ and \$R_P\$ as well as the total voltage across both.