Hexadecimal seven segment display verilog


I have a 4 bit output number as output. How can it be seen on seven segment display as hexadecimal number? I'm new and mentioning verilog.

case example:

wire [3:0] num;
case (num)
  4'b0000 : 1111110;
  4'b0001 : 0110000;
  4'b0010 : 1101101;
  4'b0011 : 1111001;
  so on
  4'b1111 : 1000111;

enter image description here

4 bit binary to seven segment

#TABLE: x1,x2,x3,x4 => a,b,c,d,e,f,g

0000 => 1111110

0001 => 0110000

0010 => 1101101

0011 => 1111001

0100 => 0110011

0101 => 1011011

0110 => 1011111

0111 => 1110000

1000 => 1111111

1001 => 1111011

1010 => 1110111

1011 => 0011111

1100 => 1001110

1101 => 0111101

1110 => 1001111

1111 => 1000111

Best Answer

You need to assign the output value to some wire or register and then connect that net to an output pin.

Typical code (not tested) is

wire [3:0] num;
reg  [6:0] out;
always @num begin
    case (num):
        4'b0000 : out <= 1111110;
        4'b0001 : out <= 0110000;
        4'b0010 : out <= 1101101;
        4'b0011 : out <= 1111001;
        // ...

Declaring out as a reg type doesn't actually make it into a register or generate a flip-flop. It just allows you to assign to out inside an always block.