How to an SR Flip Flop be made using a D Flip Flop and other Gates


An SR flip flop is a flip flop that has set and reset inputs like a gated SR latch. How can an SR Flip Flop be made from using a D Flip Flop and other logic gates?

I've done several searches online and nothing really explains this. I believe a latch can determine values based on inputs and/or the clock? And flip flops are dependent on the inputs?

I've sketched several circuits and the SR FF always seems more basic than the D FF.. So I'm confused as to how this can be shown. My book is terrible at explaining things and the questions are basically irrelevant to the explanations in the chapters.

Best Answer

A D flip flop simply latches the value of a wire on it's D pin at the rising edge of a clock. Using three inputs (S, R, and Q (output of the DFF)), you need to create a small combinational circuit which mimics an SR flop:

  • If S is set, the value of D should be 1
  • If R is set, the value of D should be 0
  • If neither is set, the value of D should be Q

With these three statements it's simple to create a small truth table and from that to create the combinational circuit which should drive your D pin.