How to interface with LCD display – HYeLCD, HC20216NYU


I am trying to drive a small (20×2) LCD screen from a Parallax Propeller board/chip. Can't find a decent manual anywhere. This is the LCD:

On that page there is a PDF which gives the pinouts:

…which is better than nothing.

But I can't find anything about what kind of data I'm supposed to push over those data pins, frequency/timing, and some detail about what the other pins do.

I've googled quite a bit.

EDIT: After a bit more googling (with the proper wording – tks @Joe Hass), it seems like a lot of the same parts are used in these things (e.g. Samsung S6A0069), so I'm thinking one of this propeller object might work with it:

Best Answer

That lcd is a typical dime a dozen, hd44780 or ks0066 compatible Character LCD display. The HD44780 is a standard parallel input display controller, with well documented information, and 99 out of 100 character lcd displays will use the same protocol. Heck, even some serial, i2c, and spi character displays are really HD44780 displays with a secondary chip (often called a backpack) acting as a middleman.

And Yes, that Propeller object you link to will work for it. In fact, here is more: