How to two steel balls with same amount of charge be at different voltages


Maybe this is the most fundamental question, but still it eludes me.

Is it possible for two balls each containing 1 Coulomb of charge be at different voltage levels, say 1V and 2V relative to a common ground?


Mechanics as Electronics


Charge's mechanical equivalent is Mass
Voltage's mechanical equivalent is Potential energy
Current's mechanical equivalent is Fall (useful work can be done when a mass falls and also current flows)

In mechanics: For two bodies with same mass to be at different potential energy, all we have to do is vary the height from the ground.

So, what could be the Electrical equivalent of 'Height'?

Best Answer

V = Q/C so if C is less, then V must be higher.

In this case, C is less if the ball is physically higher above a ground plane, and it takes energy to pull the ball higher, even in the absence of gravity.

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