How to use VHDL generic parameters when I place a sheet symbol in Altium


I'm using Altium Designer Winter 09 to synthesise a design for an FPGA. This includes a VHDL-defined entity MyShifter that includes generic parameters so I can have it be reuseable:

library IEEE;
use IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.all;

entity MyShifter is

       data_width : positive;
       pad_width : positive

    -- ...other ports...
    DataIn        : in std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0)

-- architecture follows...

With any other VHDL entity I could just right click on a schematic and use Place ยป Sheet Symbol, and then synchronise the sheet entries with the ports defined in VHDL. Altium will, later on, automatically generate the higher-level VHDL that maps ports to other ports and I don't have to worry about it.

When I try this with my entity-with-generics, I end up with sheet entry labelled DataIn[-1..0]. This is unsurprising, since I haven't "told" Altium what data_width actually is.

My question is: how do I tell Altium what the generic parameters data_width and pad_width are for a particular instance of MyShifter?

Best Answer

I'm not sure a good solution exists. You could add a second VHDL file that instantiates your first VHDL file's entity with the appropriate generic map. Then you could just place that second-level VHDL file onto the schematic.

Not ideal, but it maintains reusability, as you can just make new second-level files for every different size you want, and you only have to change the first-level file to affect all instantiations.

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