Irf530 Id calculation


so i'm going to use IRF530 as a LED driver for my project, but as soon as i open datasheet, i can't find K for calculating current Id. so how to calculate Id to make sure i'm supplying enough current for 10-15 LED @ 1 watt (350mA) and not overrated it? i've heard from other source that you just don't use K. i mean if that was true…how to precisely control current that passed MOSFET?

thanks in advance
Circuit Example

Best Answer

This is a bad way to control LEDs. For a start you have them all in parallel - have you done no research at all about LEDs? LEDs need individual current limiting/sharing resistors when placed in parallel or one of them hogs all the current and blows up after a short while then, the current that was to be shared among 4 LEDs is now inflicted on three and, the one that has a slightly lower forward volt drop, takes most of that current and blows.

You can see where this is going - basically after a few minutes or seconds you have no more working LEDs.

You have a 12 V supply and four LEDs which I assume to be standard 2V, 20mA types. So, put them all in series and calculate a current limiting resistor to go in series with them.

If you want to control LED current to control brightness then try googling current sources like this one: -

enter image description here

Varying R2 can give you some control on brightness. Of course you could consider a more elegant solution involving a proper LED control chip: -

enter image description here