Linux – PN532 + libnfc + linux


Hi i bought a PN532 breakout board, I did install my cable FTDI, i did install NFC, nfc-list recognized my PN532, i did start the nfc-poll, its in listening mode, i've got my mifare card tag that came together and I did try to read, but it didn't read. So where could be the problem? I did solder the pin-heads to the FTDI cable, I connected it to my USB (linux ubuntu 10.04), i downloaded the last stable libnfc, compiled with the options ./configure –with-drivers=pn532_uart –enable-serial-autoprobe, as i wrote, the nfc-list recognized but now i cannot read a card with nfc-pool (but nfc-pool recognized as well my reader, it is in listening).Anything else to debug?

Best Answer

i found the answer:

PN532 + UART just works with libnfc unstable (1.5.x).

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