NMOSFET not turning off properly using RPi GPIO pins

ledmosfetraspberry pi

I have an N-Channel MOSFET (model: FQP30N06L) which I tried hooking up the Gate connector to a RaspberryPi GPIO pin (3.3v, also tried a always-on 5v).

The Source connector connects to a wall-mounted powersupply that delivers 12v and 850 mA.

The Drain connects to a 10W LED Buck-Driver


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

I've also tried turning the negative and positive around all together, and I get light from the LED. However it's not that bright. I assumed it might be the voltage from the RPi being to low, so i tried a static 5v output but it didn't do much to the naked eye.

So I hooked up another 12v power supply and just fed it straight on the Gate of the MOSFET, low and behold it lit up perfectly (just as it did with the 12v power supply straight on the buck-driver).

So that's worked out, I need more power on the gate or I need a different MOSFET. But how do you turn off the MOSFET? I assumed putting 0v across the Gate would cause it to shut off?

So I guess I have two questions that would help me go on learning these things.
1: How do you turn off this MOSFET
2: Is this wiring even OK?

Best Answer

Is the ground of the 12 volt supply connected to the RPi ground?

The MOSFET reacts to the voltage between its Gate and Source terminal - if the two grounds are not connected the Gate/Source voltage is undefined, and the Pi output cannot control the action of the MOSFET.

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