P-Channel Mosfet overvoltage protection using a TVS


I have a PCB layout that I need to modify in order to protect the mosfet from a transient voltage when the user connects the power supply. Occasionally the mosfet gets damaged due to transient voltages. Will I be able to get away by just using a TVS diode connected from Source to Gate and without using a resistor on the Gate? The gate is directly connected to a via on the board and I cant mod it that easily.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Best Answer

I am not sure that 1N4733 is fast enough to protect the MOSFET. I wasn't able to find any figures regarding it's speed - so it's probably not tested nor controlled. These transients are in nanosecond range - and it's really hard to do anything with them, other than have a resistor in series.

One possibility in current circuit to keep MOSFET safer without resistor is to pick part with higher Vgs in the same package, it should be at least double source voltage without resistor : signal reflection doubles voltage, parasitic inductance can drive it even higher.