PCA9685 (12-bit PWM I2C LED controller) and Arduino


I tried to get a PCA9685 to work at the moment I am using an Arduino with this library to test it but I can't get it to work. I have the Arduino Uno rv3 I wired the scl of the Arduino with the scl of the pca the same goes for the sda all the address pins are on the ground same goes for the ext clk and the oe.

Can someone see what I did wrong?

As requested more information:
I connected the leds directly to the PCA9685 as shown in figure 15 from page 28 of the datasheet

At the moment the led always burns but with the example code from the library it should blink.

edit 2/8/2014
here is how i connected the arduino with the pca9685 enter image description here

I used the example program from the library but the leds don't change in brightness.
(Just to make it clear i have 16 leds connected to the ports and not just one)

I hope its more clear now what I want.
edit(2) 2/8/2014
Be course I have the uno r3 I use the 'special' sda and scl pins that are near the connector.
(when i connect a led to these pins it blinks softly so there is a signal on the pins)

Best Answer

Are the SDA & SCL line pulled up in the board? Apparently its not there in your circuit diagram. Connect a 10K from each of the two to +5v

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