Revolutions (pulse) per minute counter circuit


Does anyone know how to set up a circuit by using counters, decoders, 7 segment displays and a 555 timer to show the revolutions (pulses) per minute from a photo-transistor?
I'm doing this as part of my own project but I am not sure of what other components I need and how it could be wired.

Best Answer

Yes, lots of people I suspect.

However, using a microcontroller would be a simpler way. In a micro you can count pulses in a known period, or measure time between pulses. Counting pulses within a period is simpler, but can take a while to get a meaningful reading or you have low resolution. Most of the time you measure time between pulses and then invert to get speed.

Many micros have a capture capability where the value of a free running counter is captured in hardware when a pulse is received. By subtracting the previous capture value each pulse, you get a high resolution measurement of the period between pulses. I'd low pass filter that a bit, then invert when needed to update the user interface to show speed.

The 7 segment display encoding is also something the micro is well suited to do. It can then perform the multiplexing on the multiple digits, or you can get a micro with lots of I/O lines and hook up each segement individually.