Sound to light circuit sensitivity and doubts

circuit analysis

Are there problems with this sound to light circuit? first diagram is the original circuit designed by a famous person, second one is my similar copy, and last photo is the prototype board that I have been testing for hours with different values.

When the values of the original were used, I found it very hard to turn the led on, ie the mic was very not sensitive. After playing with many different values, I found that if I use 300k (10k original) for R29 and 100nf (1uf original) for C25, the sensitive increased to a point that a loud sound did flash the LED. The problem I think is that 10uf is too large for a 100nf to charge up with a short loud sound. am I correct?

Finally, I figured that if I connect collector of T10 directly to the base of T11, the sensitivity increase a lot. so what is the point of those 5 components?

enter image description here

Best Answer

both stages of that circuit have unconstrained gain, basically gain=hfe of that transistor.

unconstrained gain is usually considered a design flaw as it leaves your design succeptable to the wide variability of transistor hfe.

all I can suggest is to replace the s8050 with something with higher gain.