Splitting Digital RGB Signal Line to multiple LED strips

led striprgbsignalsplit

I am trying to connect multiple strings of WS2812B RGB LEDs to the same signal line (so that they will all behave the same way, display the same colors, etc). The WS2812B is very time sensitive, so I am looking for input on the most effective way to take the single signal line, and split it to all 4 strips. All of the strips are identical. Thanks for any help!

Best Answer

Two simple methods. The inputs are typical high-impedence signal inputs, so its not hard to drive multiple from one gpio output.

  1. Just split your output at the first led.

  2. Use one led as a buffer, and split it at that point. Adjust by 1 for your strip.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Try to keep the cable length between your output and the led DIN as short as possible to prevent any sync issues.