Superposition in electronic circuits


Consider the circuit below where R1=R3=200Ω, R2=400Ω, Vs=8v, and is=100mA.

Question 1: Use superposition to solve for the value of V1 in volts due to \$i_s\$ alone.

Question 2: Consider the same circuit. Now, solve for V1 in volts due to the contribution of \$V_s\$ alone.

Question 3: Solve for the total value of V1.

enter image description here

To apply the superposition principle, independent voltage sources are converted to shorts and independent current sources are converted to open circuits.

Question 1:
Since we are dealing with the current source, \$V_S\$ is shorted out so that R1 nd R3 are in parallel with each other. Since they are in parallel, I thought that this would create a current divider and:

$$ i_1= \dfrac{R_3}{R_1+R_3}i_s$$ and


Solving those equations gives you \$i_1 = 0.05\$ and \$v_1=10V\$. But this is incorrect… why?

Question 2:
In this case, \$V_s\$ is left intact and \$i_s\$ is replaced with an open circuit. This creates a voltage divider such that:

$$v_1 = \dfrac{R_1}{R_1+R_3}v_s$$
$$v_1 = 4V$$

Question 3:
Values from question 1 and question 2 are summed, but I can't get question 1.

Best Answer

In Question 1: \$v_1=-i_1R_1\$ because of the polarity of the assigned resistor. So the solution to question 1 is -10V. Question 2 is correctly 4 volts. Therefore, Question 3 is the sum of 1 and 2 which is -6V.