Based on the IEEE Std 1800-2005, ended
is used inside an assertion, property, or another sequence (§ 17.7.10, ex @(posedge clk) reset ##1 inst ##1 my_seq.ended
). triggered
is is the equivalent to ended
and is allowed outside of an assertion (§ 10.11, ex wait(my_seq.triggered)
has been depreciated in IEEE Std 1800-2012 as mentioned in § C.2.3:
IEEE Std 1800-2005 17.7.3 required using the sequence method ended
sequence expressions and the sequence method triggered
in other
contexts. Since these two constructs have the same meaning but
mutually exclusive usage contexts, in this version of the standard,
the triggered method is allowed to be used in sequence expressions,
and the usage of ended
is deprecated and does not appear in this
version of the standard.
Few if any simulators are 1800-2012 complaint, so follow with 1800-2005 for now.
First off, it is a common practice that parameters are upper case. When reading code this helps identify constants from variables. For arrays, refer to IEEE Std 1800-2012 § 7.4 Packed and unpacked arrays.
- Packed means all the bits can be accessed at once or sliced
- Unpacked means each index must be individually selected.
The following have the same dimensions:
logic [N-1:0] arr_up [M-1:0];
is M unpacked arrays, each with N packed bits
logic arr_uu [M-1:0] [N-1:0];
is M unpacked arrays, each with N unpacked single bits arrays
logic [M-1:0] [N-1:0] arr_pp;
is M-by-N packed array, a slice of N-bits can be read out of the M index
Unpacked arrays can be initialized with a single digit: logic [N-1:0] arr_up [M];
is equivalent to logic [N-1:0] arr_up [0:M-1];
. Do note that the [M]
is [0:M-1]
not [M-1:0]
The differences is in the access. All can access a single bit, but only packed bits can access a slice.
arr_up[M-2] = {{N{1'b0}}}; // legal
arr_uu[M-2] = {{N{1'b0}}}; // illegal, assigning packed to unpacked
arr_pp[M-2] = {{N{1'b0}}}; //legal`
arr_up[M-1:M-4] = {{3*N{1'b1}}}; // illegal, unpacked cannot use sliced array
arr_uu[M-1:M-4] = {{3*N{1'b1}}}; // illegal, unpacked cannot use sliced array
arr_pp[M-1:M-4] = {{3*N{1'b1}}}; // legal
arr_up[M-2][N-5] = 1'b0; // legal
arr_uu[M-2][N-5] = 1'b0; // legal
arr_pp[M-2][N-5] = 1'b0; // legal
arr_up[M-2][N-5:4] = {{N-9{1'b1}}}; // legal
arr_uu[M-2][N-5:4] = {{N-9{1'b1}}}; // illegal, unpacked cannot use sliced array
arr_pp[M-2][N-5:4] = {{N-9{1'b1}}}; // legal
If the simulator is only accessing a single bit or index, unpacked arrays will give better performance. This is because packed arrays are accessed as a whole even if only one bit is being used. There is a balance between the simulators lookup overhead and number of lookup operations. Generally 2-D arrays are unpacked arrays of packed arrays. Adding dimensions is normal on the unpacked side. bytes, integers, words, and data buses are packed.
With typedef enum logic [N-1:0][1:0]{S0,S1,S2,S3} statetype;
, be aware this is creating the definition of the state type. It is create a 2*N-bit array but only allows 4 values.
For an array of 4-state state machines, I would recommend:
typedef enum logic [1:0]{S0,S1,S2,S3} state_et;
state_et state[N], nextstate[N];
Best Answer
Yes, refer to IEEE Std 1800-2012 § 25.5.4 Modport expressions:
Not all simulators/synthesizer support modeport expressions, so you will have to experiment. Modeport expressions are not new, they are also described in IEEE Std 1800-2005. Maybe the Accellera SystemVerilog 3.1a as well (I'd need to dig up the old LRM to verify).
Yes. Synthesis support may be limited for some tools; you'll need to experiment. For simulations, assign statements in an interface can be used to control data for tri-state buses.
Interfaces can also contain their own tasks and functions. If you are using the interface for design, then generally you want to limit keep the interface simple: mostly signals and modports. This is not a rule, just a recommended guideline.
More power to you if you got the
to pull it off. Probably not worth the effort.