Two different MCU , different output but none was right


I write this simple code to check my new burner :


void main(void)
DDRC = 0xFF;  //high pins



I use Extreme burner software to burn . My burner seems to work fine. It burn the code (said by the burner software ) but output is not as I expected.
I burn two ATmega32 .
For first one , PC2 , PC3, PC4 give high output (around 4.3 volt) and rest is low (around 1.7 volt) .
For second one , PC0 , PC1 , PC7 pin high output and rest is low.
I can't understand why ???
anyone can explain and give me a solution ??
Thanks enter image description here

Best Answer

ATmega32 fuse bits are enabled JTAG interface on PC2...PC5 by default. If you want to use PC2...PC5 in your project, you should disable JTAG by unprogrammed JTAGEN fuse bit.