Cisco – OSPF configuration in MESH topology


enter image description here


I wanted to configure Multi area OSPF between these routers. I created test simulation on packet tracer.

Can any one help me how I can do that because I am bit confused about the configuration in Mesh topology.

In single area all things and fail-overs also working fine, but when I tried to configure multi-area network, I am getting confused that where I configure which area. Because every router is connected to each other.

Please help me..


Is this work

@John, If I not put my complete thing in Area 0, this could be the possible topology? Can I achieve my goal with this?

Best Answer

The area design you have specified will not work. The interface and its adjacent interface need to be in the same area. You can't have one interface in area0 and the adjacent router interface in area1.

One of the conditions to create a successful relationship with a neighbour is that the area id must match, which it would never do in your design.

See the picture below which might help you understand it better.

enter image description here

As you can see that the interface and its adjacent interface are both in the same area and not separate. This will allow a neighbour relationship to be established.