Cannot access static content of an ASP.NET MVC app on IIS7

I have an ASP.NET MVC 2 app that I have just deployed to IIS7. The app works fine except all static content (js, css, images) are returning blank.

I have the static content handler configured above the MVC handler.

I have looked in the IIS logs and for the static content a HTTP 302 status is returned, but I still can't see them on my page.

Any ideas? Anything else I can check or try?

Best Answer

Based on your comment that you have the static file handler above the MVC hander, it sounds like you have it set correctly.

Just as an extra double check, go to server manager, roles and IIS, make sure that you have necessary features added to IIS. That really just adds it to applicationHost.config, but it serves as a double check. That will ensure that the modules, handlers and globalmodules are installed and enabled.