Domain – CMD – Rename Local Computer, Join Domain, Join Specific OU


Alright so not sure if this is entirely possible all in one.

Situation: Brand new computer not on the domain, just a local workgroup. Want to change that computers name, join a domain, and put the computer name in a specific workgroup for that domain. This can all be done via the GUI all at once so it should be hypothetically possible via command line right?

I can rename a local computer using this method: CMD > WMIC COMPUTERSYSTEM where "Name='%computername%'" CALL Rename NEWNAME, Password, User

This works however it requires a restart for the changes to happen.

Next I made a batch file that works great to do what I want using NETDOM, however it can't be used until that computer is restarted due to the name change…

SET /P compname=[promptString]
SET /P org=[promptString]

NETDOM JOIN %compname% /Domain:DOMAIN.NET /OU:%org%,DC=DOMAIN,DC=net /UserD:DOMAIN\user /PasswordD:password /Reboot:15 /verbose

So I guess my question is… is there any way to do this in one way without having to restart? If a restart is absolutely required its too much time consumption; the only reason I want to do this VS using the windows GUI is to get it in the OU I want right away without having to pre-stage or go into AD and move the computer.

Best Answer

Perhaps split the operation into two scripts. Run the second one automatically after the reboot using a RunOnce key. The first script could automate the setting up of the second.