Proxy – How to Tell if a Port is an HTTP Proxy


An Nmap result shows an HTTP proxy on port 8080. Without trying out the proxy, how can you tell if it's a proxy or not?

8080/tcp open http-proxy

Best Answer

It depends on the exact options you use for a port scan with nmap

  • at the most basic nmap will simply determine if a port is open and listening and do a name conversion of that port number to a service name based on /etc/services or a similar table. the actual service on a specific port such as 8080 may be something completely different and you will indeed need to do a lot more connecting and testing to get the actual service

  • when you use some of the more comprehensive options for service and version detection such as -sV —version-all Nmap will have already done a lot of finger printing and testing for you and then the service nmap reports will be pretty accurate