Mac – Eject disk on Mac Pro running VMWare ESXi


I'm almost embarrassed to ask this, but I'm stuck. I installed VMWare ESXi on a Mac Pro. It's working great! The problem is that you press F12 to eject the disk, and F12 is what you use to shutdown ESX. I can power down, open the case, pull out the CD drive and use a paper clip to force the drawer open, but that's kind of a pain.

Any other way to do this?

EDIT: Setting password was a good idea – no shutdown now 🙂 However, F12 doesn't eject the disk when VMWare is running. Attaching the drive to a VM and ejecting from there ("Eject" in Windows Explorer for example) does work. Kind of a round about way though. But maybe that's the best I can do with this Mac. Wish they had exposed the eject button…

Best Answer

Have you tried binding the physical drive to one of the VMs and then issuing an eject command?

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