Python – GCP support after Python 2.7 Deprecation on Genuary 2020


After upgrading pip to the latest version (19.0.1) I got the following message:

DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 won't be maintained after that date. A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7.

Googling around the only thing I found is a link with a countdown clock but not a real documentation on this topic nor any alert from Google.

I work every day developing new solutions on GCP using Python 2.7, I use different GCP services (i.e.: Appengine Flex, GKE, GCE, aso..), If Python 2.7 is going to be deprecated within less than one year, do I have do be worried that my code won't be working after this date?
What'd happen if I'd try to deploy my code on Appengine Flex? Will it be supported yet? Do I have to upgrade all the projects I have in production to Python 3.6?

Best Answer

PEP 373 -- Python 2.7 Release Schedule, linked by the countdown clock you have found, states:

Maintenance releases

Being the last of the 2.x series, 2.7 will have an extended period of maintenance. Specifically, 2.7 will receive bugfix support until January 1, 2020. After the last release, 2.7 will receive no support.

This definitive date has been added on 2018-03-12 and was based on Guido van Rossum's (the author of python and its benevolent dictator for life) reply from mailing list. Before that, there has been a mention of EOL postponed from 2015 to 2020 which was added on 2014-04-13.

Your applications will remain working on systems which will have python 2.7 support installed even past this date, but the support is ultimately decided by your GCP services providers. Most of the major modules and frameworks already stopped adding features for 2.7, so I would definitely suggest to upgrade all your projects to 3.x.