SQL Server 2008 log issue


I am using SQL Server 2008 Enterprise. Under logs folder, in my machine it is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log, there are three kinds of files,

•log_207.trc, log_208.trc, ...

My question is what are the differnet function of such log files? And why there are files ends with .1, .2, etc?

thanks in advance,

Best Answer

The ERRORLOG files are just what they sound like - logs of errors that happen within your SQL server. When you are in SQL Management Studio, if you look at the "SQL Server Logs" it is viewing the ERRORLOG. The files with numbers at the end are archived log files when it rotates.

The FDLAUNCHERRORLOG files are for errors that occur in the SQL Server Full Text Filter Daemon launcher service. This is a separate service used to load filters for full text search. Again, the files with numbers are archived files after log rotation.

The .TRC files are SQL Profiler traces. SQL 2008 does some default tracing to help troubleshoot issues.

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