Switch – Intel 82576 Dual-Port Controller Teaming


Can I team two ports from the same controller?

My scenario is that I have two switches on the same network for redundancy. I want to connect each NIC Port of a dual-port server to a separate switch in case a switch dies. I want it to failover gracefully.

I believe that Switch Fault Tolerance (SFT) mode is what I should configure because it's not a bandwidth intensive application. I don't need load balancing or aggregation. I'm not too worried about the controller or server dying since we have a 'cluster' of these application servers (our application load balances itself).

I've found many articles describing teaming across separate controllers, some that imply that you can do it on the same controller. I wanted to make sure.

Best Answer

Yes you can.

It's worth reiterating that you will have introduced a single point of failure, if the NIC chip dies, the whole team dies. Because of this it's recommended to always have at least two separate NIC chips, though not a requirement. Clustering definitely helps, but NICs are cheap, and will failover considerably faster than clustering.